A daycare of your dreams
Finding the ideal daycare is not merely about locating a daily retreat for your child(ren). It’s about discovering a vibrant ecosystem that seamlessly adapts to the nuanced needs of children and their families. Central to this vision is a daycare that holds the safety, well-being, and comprehensive growth of every child as its guiding star. Moreover, a daycare that offers multidisciplinary activities such as karate, art, cooking, fencing, robotics, vocal lessons, theater, and more, not only provides enriching experiences for children but also saves parents a considerable amount of time and money. As you navigate the options, here are the indispensable features to look for in your dream daycare:
Safety: The most important factor to consider when choosing a daycare is safety. Make sure the daycare has a secure facility with proper safety measures in place, such as fire alarms and sprinklers. The staff should also be trained in CPR and first aid.
Well-being: Your child’s well-being should also be a top priority. Make sure the daycare provides a nurturing environment where children feel safe and loved. The staff should be warm and supportive, and they should be able to meet the individual needs of each child.
Comprehensive growth: Your child’s development should be a focus of the daycare. Make sure the daycare offers a variety of activities that promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. The staff should be knowledgeable about child development and should be able to create a stimulating environment for learning.
Multidisciplinary activities: A daycare that offers multidisciplinary activities can provide your child with a well-rounded education. These activities can help children develop their creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork abilities. They can also help children learn about different cultures and perspectives.
Flexibility: Your needs may change over time, so it’s important to find a daycare that is flexible. Make sure the daycare offers flexible hours and is willing to work with you to meet your family’s needs.
In addition to these factors, it’s also important to visit the daycare in person and get a feel for the atmosphere. Talk to the staff and ask questions about their philosophy and approach to child care. You should also feel comfortable leaving your child at the daycare.
Finding the right daycare can be a challenge, but it’s important to take the time to find a place that you feel good about. Your child’s early years are important, and you want to make sure they are spending their time in a safe, nurturing environment that promotes their development.
About Author
Theodor Mikhaylov | Founder | Phone: (646) 752-2858 | BUSYBEAR
Starting as a physician in Russia, Theodor transitioned to NYC's daycare scene, founding the esteemed Little Princeton in 2009. Theodor co-founded Golden Minds Prep, Mind Body Soul Children’s Society, and Aspiring Minds. He consults for daycares in NY, offering expertise in optimizing childcare centers. http://www.daycareonline.com/theodor_mikhaylov.html
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Frequently asked Questions
Golden Minds Daycare/Preschool serves kids aged 2-5. Our Indoor Playground cater to ages 1-6.
We provide diverse programs like Golden Spotlight, Robo Science & Coding Lab, Martial Arts Dojo, Chess & Wealth Club, Paint & Clay Workshop, Fencing Studio, Tutoring & Homeschooling Center, Farm-to-Table Cooking, Zen Garden, and Golden Wings.
In daycare, one teacher typically oversees six children. Ratios can vary per program.
Our staff are experienced professionals with relevant certifications and regular training in educational best practices.
We don’t currently offer financial aid.
Visit our Admissions page to learn about enrollment, schedule a tour, and submit an application.
We prioritize safety with controlled access, emergency plans, and staff trained in first aid and child safety.
We provide organic, balanced meals and snacks, accommodating dietary restrictions and allergies.
We assist families in finding local transportation options but do not provide it directly.
Parents receive regular updates on child’s progress and events. Visit our Events & Blog section for latest news and resources.
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